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Published on: 12 May 2023 By (She/Her)

Are feelings of frustration and anger compensable in medical malpractice?

When a patient has experienced a medication error, or other medical negligence by a health care provider, it can cause stress, anxiety, and feelings of frustration and anger. Whether those feelings, or psychological upset, will amount to a compensable mental injury in law will depend on a number of factors, known as the Saadati factors[1]....

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Published on: 20 Jun 2023 By

Going to court: Navigating commercial litigation in Ontario

When faced with a business-related dispute, understanding the steps involved before initiating a legal proceeding in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice is crucial to protect your rights and reaching a proper conclusion. Three main steps in a legal action Whether you’re dealing with contractual disputes, business conflicts, or financial disagreements, there are three stages...

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Published on: 18 Jan 2017 By

Raibex Canada Ltd. v ASWR Franchising Corp., Implications for Franchisors

Executive Summary and Client Advisory This case, decided late in the late Fall of 2016 and currently under appeal, is potentially highly problematic to franchisors who sign franchise agreements with prospects before a site has been selected. In essence, the trial judge found that doing so is not in compliance with the Ontarioโ€™s franchise disclosure...

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Ce Formulaire de Renseignements

Ce formulaire de renseignements est affichรฉ dans un รฉlรฉment de navigation nommรฉ ยซ iFrame ยป, lequel interagit avec un serveur sรฉcurisรฉ utilisant le protocole SSL, protรฉgeant ainsi tous vos renseignements soumis ร  lโ€™aide du formulaire. ร‰tant donnรฉ quโ€™iFrame sโ€™affiche dans une page Web ordinaire, il se peut que votre navigateur soit incapable dโ€™afficher le ยซ...

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