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Published on: 23 Sep 2007 By (Dianne Saxe)

Remember Punch Cards?

Thirty years ago, computer geeks programmed and stored all data with punch cards. Many of those cards were printed in rented facilities on Commander Boulevard, Toronto, a street already famous for setting pollution precedents. As it turns out, the coloured stripe across the top of the cards used to be printed with the solvent, toluene....

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Published on: 13 Sep 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Where are electronic documents for hazardous waste?

Where are electronic documents for hazardous waste? Under Ontario’sย Regulation 347, waste generators must keep some documents at the waste generation facility, in either physical or electronic form. Physical storage at each waste generation facility may be challenging. Will cloud (or other remote) storage do?

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Published on: 12 May 2009 By (Dianne Saxe)

Municipalities recovering spill costs

In 2005, the Environmental Protection Act was amended to allow municipalities a new mechanism to recover the costs of cleaning up spills. s.100.1 allows municipalities to cleanup spills caused by private parties, and to issue orders to recover the costs. This has also allowed the MOE to download to municipalities the cost and responsibility of...

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Published on: 25 Sep 2018 By

Environmental Commissionerโ€™s 2018 Greenhouse Gas Progress Report

On September 25, 2018, the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario released the 2018 Greenhouse Gas Progress Report: Climate Action in Ontario: Whatโ€™s Next? The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (ECO) is an independent officer of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario created by the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993 (EBR). One of the Commissionerโ€™s responsibilities under the EBR...

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Published on: 23 Jun 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Who pays when polluters canโ€™t?

In theory, Canadians are pretty comfortable with the polluter pay principle, at least when it applies to other people. (We do not seem to feel the same way about carbon taxes.) In theory, the polluter-pay principle ensures that polluters, rather than the public or the immediate victims of pollution, bear the cost of repairing damage...

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