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A record suspension allows individuals who have been convicted of a criminal offence in Canada and have completed their sentence to apply to the Parole Board of Canada to have their criminal records be sealed. The applicants must demonstrate that they have been law-abiding citizens for a prescribed number of years.

A record suspension, also known as ‘pardon’, removes the criminal record from the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC) database. This means that if a record suspension is granted, a search of CPIC will not show that the individual has a criminal record.

To be eligible to apply for suspension of criminal records, the applicants may have to wait either 5 or 10 years (depending on whether the convictions arose from summary or indictable charges) to pass since the date of the completion of their sentence. Completion of sentence includes the payment of any outstanding fines and restitution imposed under the Criminal Code of Canada.

We also provide assistance with U.S. waiver applications. If an individual has been charged with a criminal offence in Canada or the United States, depending on the outcome of the criminal case, that individual may be denied entry to the U.S. and may have to apply for a U.S. waiver. If someone has been convicted in Canada, that individual will still have to apply for a waiver in order to enter the United States, even if their criminal conviction has been “pardoned” by the Parole Board of Canada.

If you have a criminal record that prohibits you to access employment and educational opportunities and to reintegrate into society, contact us for a free initial consultation to find out whether you are eligible to apply for a suspension of criminal records (‘pardon’). If you are eligible, we can prepare and submit an application on your behalf to the Parole Board of Canada.

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Learn more about Elena Ashford.

Elena Ashford

Lawyer - Immigration Law
Learn more about Angela Belair.

Angela Belair

Immigration Consultant - Immigration Law