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Published on: 22 Nov 2018 By

Government “Eco Fees” on New Tires Eliminated

If you recently purchased winter tires in Ontario you may have noticed that the government “eco-fees” charged on the purchase of new tires was eliminated as of October 1, 2018. The fee, which was approximately $3.30 per tire for passenger and light trucks was levied by the government to supp…

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Published on: 22 Feb 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

MacQueen/ Sydney tar ponds class action update

MacQueen v Nova Scotia, the Sydney Tar Ponds class action, is still mired in wrangling over the proper definition of the class. Last fall, the plaintiffs were hopeful that certification was just around the corner, and proposed a revised, narrower class definition for the court’s approv…

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