Climate litigation: US youth sue the government for climate inaction
There is lots of climate-related legal action occurring in the US these days. A few weeks ago, for example, we blogged about the Clean Power Plan, Obama’s plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the US. Several lawsuits have already been filed (and at least one has already been d…
View the post titled Climate litigation: US youth sue the government for climate inactionSocial Cost of Carbon
How much should we spend reducing carbon emissions? What will the cost be if we don’t? US federal lawmakers are required to consider the “social cost of carbon” when issuing significant rules, as part of their overall cost/benefit analysis. But how do they calculate it?
View the post titled Social Cost of CarbonCan Orange Drop survive without EcoFee?
In all the fuss about the EcoFee, no one seems to have noticed Orange Drop. The much maligned EcoFee was a system to have purchasers of household hazardous products pay for the proper disposal of those products, instead of loading the cost on municipalities or future generations. Orange Dro…
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