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Published on: 29 Jan 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Quebec is still the place to be for environmental class actions

There continue to be more environmental class actions in Quebec than anywhere else in the country. Environmental Disasters Two new class actions were certified in Quebec last year arising from disastrous accidents: In Lessard c. Arcand, 2012 QCCS 275, a claim was certified for flooding damag…

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Published on: 1 Apr 2010 By (Dianne Saxe)

Transit class action, EA and the St. Clair Streetcar

Curactive Organic Skin Care is starting a class action over the St. Clair streetcar. It wants to sue the Ontario government, Toronto and the TTC for $105 million in damages. Curactive says hundreds of small businesses lost money, due to delays in transit construction, and to changes in the d…

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