Nuclear Liability caps in the US?
Now that Canada is heading for another federal election, Bill C-15, the fourth attempt to update Canadian nuclear liability laws, will again die on the order paper. By now, it is generally accepted that our current $75 million is ridiculously low, but there is less consensus on how it shoul…
View the post titled Nuclear Liability caps in the US?Nuclear Liability caps in Japan
Japan has nuclear liability caps much higher than those in Canada. Under the Law on Compensation for Nuclear Damage, plant operator liability is exclusive and absolute, and power plant operators must provide a ‘financial security amount’ of ¥120 billion ($1.2 billion), 16 times t…
View the post titled Nuclear Liability caps in JapanNuclear Liability cap in Canada
As Japan battles to prevent nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima, with the assistance of the International Atomic Energy Agency, anxious eyes are turning to nuclear safety in other countries. Canadian reactors boast a relatively safe design, but still require cooling, and are therefore vulnerab…
View the post titled Nuclear Liability cap in CanadaTransocean seeks to cap liability for Gulf spill
One of the biggest ways that our legal system contributes to enormous, high-risk accidents, is to allow those responsible to limit their financial liability. This allows them to raise money from investors, and obtain insurance, for high-risk activities that the government wishes to support.…
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