Fiduciary accounting: Accounting and record-keeping requirements for attorneys and guardians for property
Court-appointed guardians of property and persons acting pursuant to a continuing power of attorney for property (commonly referred to as “attorneys for property”) share a common duty: they are tasked with managing money and/or property for the benefit of someone who is no longer capable of …
View the post titled Fiduciary accounting: Accounting and record-keeping requirements for attorneys and guardians for propertyGuardianship: What is it, when is it required and other FAQs
Have you been told that you need to obtain “guardianship” to assist a loved one with their property and finances? Are you uncertain what guardianship is, what being a guardian entails, or how to go about obtaining guardianship? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, this article is…
View the post titled Guardianship: What is it, when is it required and other FAQsReceive Blog Posts
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